Mares of Thrace
Mares of Thrace
Osyron Calgary band group promo shot in black and white
Ravenous band standing on stairs group photo
Ravenous band sitting on train with umbrella goofing off
Ravenous band group photo Calgary
Caveat Band promo shoot with members holding candles and smoke rising in front of them
Greg Musgrave of Caveat holding a guitar to the camera during band promo shoot in Calgary
Ravenous bassist Chris Valax head shot
Ravenous vocalist R.A. Voltaire head shot
Ravenous drummer Dave Crnkovic head shot
Ravenous guitarist Skyler Mills headshot
Ravenous guitarist Jake Wright head shot
Ravenous band standing on dark road with moon above them
Caveat band promo shoot with band throwing snow and jumping around having fun in Calgary
Jon Ireson and Steve Moore of Post Death Soundtrack Band Promo Photo
Band promo headshot of Jon Ireson of Post Death Soundtrack from Calgary Alberta
Band promo headshot of Stephen James Moore in Calgary
Ravenous merch photo with woman throwing the horns and sticking out pierced tongue wearing black t-shirt
Ravenous band t-shirt and ball cap worn by tattooed woman
Tattooed woman pointing at Ravenous t-shirt in merch photo shoot
Band promo image of two men silhouetted with the sun behind
Cabrakan band group promo shot

Band Promo

Concert photography was how I first got started in my career as a photographer.

CamerasNikon D810, D3s, D300 LensesNikkor 14-24 f2.8, 24-70 f2.8, 70-200 f2.8LocationCalgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, Colorado, Florida, International WatersYear2008-2019

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